Human Rights


RR1 - VALMUN 2023 - Human Rights.pdf

Topic 1

RR2 - VALMUN 2023 - Human Rights.pdf

Topic 2

Timothy Bowman

Timothy (TJ) Bowman is the president chair for the VALMUN Human Rights Committee. TJ is a 16 year-old who was born in San Jose, California and lived there for 9 years. In 2016, he moved to Valencia, Spain to embark on a new adventure while still holding on to a piece of home through his American peers at the American School of Valencia. TJ joined MUN in 7th grade because of his desire to meet diversified crowds of people while discussing the most modern and interesting issues that the world is struggling with. He has been involved in VALMUN and other MUN activities since 2019, and has accumulated a total of 6 MUN experiences since then. These experiences have opened his eyes to the benefits of trying new things and allowed him to develop social and speaking skills that have become much more familiar through attending these conferences. MUN has provided TJ with a set of memories that go way beyond the conference room, including the acquisition of new friends and gaining a new sense of community.

Lucía Acedo

Lucia Acedo Sapena is a chair of the HRC. She was born in Bilbao, although she has lived most of his life in Valencia. She is currently in 12th grade, being her fifteenth year at the American School of Valencia. Lucia joined MUN for first time in 8th grade to develop confidence, leadership, and communication skills. Attending 6 national and international MUN conferences has given Lucia the opportunity to meet incredible groups of people, and it has helped her reflect on  the importance of solving worldwide issues with teamwork. Lucia’s hopes as a Chair are to make it possible for new generations of MUNers to be able to have the memorable experiences the way she has had, as well as acquire the essential skills for life.

Chloe Corresa

Chloe Corresa is a chair of the Human Rights committee. She is currently a sophomore at the American School of Valencia. She was born and raised in a Chinese/Spanish family in Valencia, Spain. She has attended multiple online and in-person MUN conferences, such as MADMUN and VALMUN. Model UN has helped Chloe become more globally conscious and develop crucial skills such as leadership. She looks forward to seeing how delegates discuss the topics at hand and hopes for a productive debate.